Cerrito Encantado, founded in 2001 by father José Huerta, has a captivating story behind its creation. While driving along the coastal road of Nayarit, Mexico, he discovered a sign leading to Altavista. Intrigued, he followed the road up the hill and was immediately enchanted by the breathtaking views, warm-hearted locals, and lush landscapes.
Inspired by the beauty he witnessed, he purchased the land and embarked on a 20-year journey of building from the ground up. From the first house, La Casa Chilam, to the development of La Casa Redonda with its second level meditation room. Then on to Los Cuartos, the outdoor kitchen, plus a stunning pool overlooking the valley and ocean. Every aspect of Cerrito Encantado was carefully curated. He also dedicated himself to preserving the natural environment, acquiring untouched parcels to protect the rich land of Nayarit.
Beyond creating a haven for visitors to experience Mexico's beauty, José Huerta aimed to foster community with the local village. He welcomed teachers from the United States, providing them accommodation to teach English to the local children. Movie nights were organized, inviting all townspeople to gather for a shared evening of entertainment. Through local hiring and genuine friendships, he built strong bonds with the community, leaving a lasting impact.
Today, as my father continues his travels and ventures in Mexico, I have the honor of continuing his legacy at Cerrito Encantado. Now, as the steward of Cerrito Encantado, I am thrilled to fulfill my his dream of sharing this exquisite place with the world. With his inspiration guiding me, I am dedicated to maintaining the essence of Cerrito Encantado, whilst adding my own touch. It is both a privilege and a joy to carry forward his vision, creating a sanctuary where guests can immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of Altavista, just as my father did all those years ago.
My name is Yazzi, and my fiancé is Chris. I come from the sunny city of Los Angeles, while Chris hails from the Hudson Valley in New York. Together, we form an adventurous couple who shares a deep passion for travel and exploration. Over the years, we have traversed the globe, from the enchanting cultures of Europe to the vibrant cities of Japan. We've also had the incredible opportunity to live in Melbourne, Australia for four years, immersing ourselves in the country's diverse culture and breathtaking scenery.
Our journey together began in 2010, and in March 2023, we celebrated a new chapter in our lives by getting engaged. Mexico holds a special place in our hearts, as it allows us to reconnect with the healing traditions and cultural heritage of my own background. My mother is from Campo de Los Limones in Nayarit, and my father hails from Juarez in Chihuahua, both with rich Aztec indigenous roots. This connection to my heritage deeply resonates with both of us.
As we continue our adventure as a couple, we eagerly look forward to exploring all that Mexico has to offer. We are captivated by its diverse landscapes, vibrant traditions, and the opportunity to explore different medicinal and healing modalities. Together, we are excited to create lasting memories and uncover the hidden gems that Altavista and other destinations have in store for us.